Differentiable Programming

Emile van Krieken, Erman Acara, and Frank van Harmelen. 2/14/2020. “Analyzing Differentiable Fuzzy Logic Operators”. PDFAbstract
In recent years there has been a push to integrate symbolic AI and deep learning, as it is argued that the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches are complementary. One such trend in the literature are weakly supervised learning techniques that use operators from fuzzy logics. They employ prior background knowledge described in logic to benefit the training of a neural network from unlabeled and noisy data. By interpreting logical symbols using neural networks, this background knowledge can be added to regular loss functions used in deep learning to integrate reasoning and learning. In this paper, we analyze how a large collection of logical operators from the fuzzy logic literature behave in a differentiable setting. We find large differences between the formal properties of these operators that are of crucial importance in a differentiable learning setting. We show that many of these operators, including some of the best known, are highly unsuitable for use in a differentiable learning setting. A further finding concerns the treatment of implication in these fuzzy logics, with a strong imbalance between gradients driven by the antecedent and the consequent of the implication. Finally, we empirically show that it is possible to use Differentiable Fuzzy Logics for semi-supervised learning. However, to achieve the most significant performance improvement over a supervised baseline, we have to resort to non-standard combinations of logical operators which perform well in learning, but which no longer satisfy the usual logical laws. We end with a discussion on extensions to large-scale problems.
Martín Abadi and Gordon Plotkin. 2/2020. “A Simple Differentiable Programming Language.” PACML, POPL. PDFAbstract
Automatic differentiation plays a prominent role in scientific computing and in modern machine learning, often in the context of powerful programming systems. The relation of the various embodiments of automatic differentiation to the mathematical notion of derivative is not always entirely clear—discrepancies can arise, sometimes inadvertently. In order to study automatic differentiation in such programming contexts, we define a small but expressive programming language that includes a construct for reverse-mode differentiation. We give operational and denotational semantics for this language. The operational semantics employs popular implementation techniques, while the denotational semantics employs notions of differentiation familiar from real analysis. We establish that these semantics coincide.
Fei Wang, Daniel Zheng, James Decker, Xilun Wu, Gregory Essertel, and Tiark Rompf. 8/2019. “Demystifying Differentiable Programming: Shift/Reset the Penultimate Backpropagator.” PACML, ICFP. PDFAbstract
Deep learning has seen tremendous success over the past decade in computer vision, machine translation, and gameplay. This success rests in crucial ways on gradient-descent optimization and the ability to learn parameters of a neural network by backpropagating observed errors. However, neural network architectures are growing increasingly sophisticated and diverse, which motivates an emerging quest for even more general forms of differentiable programming, where arbitrary parameterized computations can be trained by gradient descent. In this paper, we take a fresh look at automatic differentiation (AD) techniques, and especially aim to demystify the reverse-mode form of AD that generalizes backpropagation in neural networks.
We uncover a tight connection between reverse-mode AD and delimited continuations, which permits implementing reverse-mode AD purely via operator overloading and without any auxiliary data structures. We further show how this formulation of AD can be fruitfully combined with multi-stage programming (staging), leading to a highly efficient implementation that combines the performance benefits of deep learning frameworks based on explicit reified computation graphs (e.g., TensorFlow) with the expressiveness of pure library approaches (e.g., PyTorch).      
Gagandeep Singh, Timon Gehr, Markus Püschel, and Martin Vechev. 1/2019. “An Abstract Domain for Certifying Neural Networks.” PACML, POPL. PDFAbstract

We present a novel method for scalable and precise certification of deep neural networks. The key technical insight behind our approach is a new abstract domain which combines floating point polyhedra with intervals and is equipped with abstract transformers specifically tailored to the setting of neural networks. Concretely, we introduce new transformers for affine transforms, the rectified linear unit (ReLU), sigmoid, tanh, and maxpool functions.

We implemented our method in a system called DeepPoly and evaluated it extensively on a range of datasets, neural architectures (including defended networks), and specifications. Our experimental results indicate that DeepPoly is more precise than prior work while scaling to large networks.

We also show how to combine DeepPoly with a form of abstraction refinement based on trace partitioning. This enables us to prove, for the first time, the robustness of the network when the input image is subjected to complex perturbations such as rotations that employ linear interpolation.

Mukund Raghothaman, Kihong Heo, Xujie Si, and Mayur Naik. 2019. “Synthesizing Datalog Programs using Numerical Relaxation.” IJCAI. PDFAbstract
The problem of learning logical rules from examples arises in diverse fields, including program synthesis, logic programming, and machine learning. Existing approaches either involve solving computationally difficult combinatorial problems, or performing parameter estimation in complex statistical models.
In this paper, we present Difflog, a technique to extend the logic programming language Datalog to the continuous setting. By attaching real-valued weights to individual rules of a Datalog program, we naturally associate numerical values with individual conclusions of the program. Analogous to the strategy of numerical relaxation in optimization problems, we can now first determine the rule weights which cause the best agreement between the training labels and the induced values of output tuples, and subsequently recover the classical discrete-valued target program from the continuous optimum.
We evaluate Difflog on a suite of 34 benchmark problems from recent literature in knowledge discovery, formal verification, and database query-by-example, and demonstrate significant improvements in learning complex programs with recursive rules, invented predicates, and relations of arbitrary arity.
Conal Elliott. 8/2018. “The simple essence of automatic differentiation.” PACML, ICFP. PDFAbstract
Automatic differentiation (AD) in reverse mode (RAD) is a central component of deep learning and other uses of large-scale optimization. Commonly used RAD algorithms such as backpropagation, however, are complex and stateful, hindering deep understanding, improvement, and parallel execution. This paper develops a simple, generalized AD algorithm calculated from a simple, natural specification. The general algorithm is then specialized by varying the representation of derivatives. In particular, applying well-known constructions to a naive representation yields two RAD algorithms that are far simpler than previously known. In contrast to commonly used RAD implementations, the algorithms defined here involve no graphs, tapes, variables, partial derivatives, or mutation. They are inherently parallel-friendly, correct by construction, and usable directly from an existing programming language with no need for new data types or programming style, thanks to use of an AD-agnostic compiler plugin.      
Alexander L. Gaunt, Marc Brockschmidt, Nate Kushman, and Daniel Tarlow. 7/2017. “Differentiable Programs with Neural Libraries.” ICML. PDFAbstract
We develop a framework for combining differentiable programming languages with neural networks. Using this framework we create end-toend trainable systems that learn to write interpretable algorithms with perceptual components. We explore the benefits of inductive biases for strong generalization and modularity that come from the program-like structure of our models. In particular, modularity allows us to learn a library of (neural) functions which grows and improves as more tasks are solved. Empirically, we show that this leads to lifelong learning systems that transfer knowledge to new tasks more effectively than baselines
Matko Bosnjak, Tim Rocktäschel, Jason Naradowsky, and Sebastian Riedel. 2017. “Programming with a Differentiable Forth Interpreter.” ICML. PDFAbstract
Given that in practice training data is scarce for all but a small set of problems, a core question is how to incorporate prior knowledge into a model. In this paper, we consider the case of prior procedural knowledge for neural networks, such as knowing how a program should traverse a sequence, but not what local actions should be performed at each step. To this end, we present an end-to-end differentiable interpreter for the programming language Forth which enables programmers to write program sketches with slots that can be filled with behaviour trained from program input-output data. We can optimise this behaviour directly through gradient descent techniques on user-specified objectives, and also integrate the program into any larger neural computation graph. We show empirically that our interpreter is able to effectively leverage different levels of prior program structure and learn complex behaviours such as sequence sorting and addition. When connected to outputs of an LSTM and trained jointly, our interpreter achieves state-of-the-art accuracy for end-to-end reasoning about quantities expressed in natural language stories.      
Alex Graves et al. 10/12/2016. “Hybrid computing using a neural network with dynamic external memory.” Nature. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Artificial neural networks are remarkably adept at sensory processing, sequence learning and reinforcement learning, but are limited in their ability to represent variables and data structures and to store data over long timescales, owing to the lack of an external memory. Here we introduce a machine learning model called a differentiable neural computer (DNC), which consists of a neural network that can read from and write to an external memory matrix, analogous to the random-access memory in a conventional computer. Like a conventional computer, it can use its memory to represent and manipulate complex data structures, but, like a neural network, it can learn to do so from data. When trained with supervised learning, we demonstrate that a DNC can successfully answer synthetic questions designed to emulate reasoning and inference problems in natural language. We show that it can learn tasks such as finding the shortest path between specified points and inferring the missing links in randomly generated graphs, and then generalize these tasks to specific graphs such as transport networks and family trees. When trained with reinforcement learning, a DNC can complete a moving blocks puzzle in which changing goals are specified by sequences of symbols. Taken together, our results demonstrate that DNCs have the capacity to solve complex, structured tasks that are inaccessible to neural networks without external read–write memory.
Alexander L. Gaunt, Marc Brockschmidt, Rishabh Singh, Nate Kushman, Pushmeet Kohli, Jonathan Taylor, and Daniel Tarlow. 8/15/2016. “TerpreT: A Probabilistic Programming Language for Program Induction.” arXiv:1608.04428. PDFAbstract
We study machine learning formulations of inductive program synthesis; given input-output examples, we try to synthesize source code that maps inputs to corresponding outputs. Our aims are to develop new machine learning approaches based on neural networks and graphical models, and to understand the capabilities of machine learning techniques relative to traditional alternatives, such as those based on constraint solving from the programming languages community.
Our key contribution is the proposal of TerpreT, a domain-specific language for expressing program synthesis problems. TerpreT is similar to a probabilistic programming language: a model is composed of a specification of a program representation (declarations of random variables) and an interpreter describing how programs map inputs to outputs (a model connecting unknowns to observations). The inference task is to observe a set of input-output examples and infer the underlying program. TerpreT has two main benefits. First, it enables rapid exploration of a range of domains, program representations, and interpreter models. Second, it separates the model specification from the inference algorithm, allowing like-to-like comparisons between different approaches to inference. From a single TerpreT specification we automatically perform inference using four different back-ends. These are based on gradient descent, linear program (LP) relaxations for graphical models, discrete satisfiability solving, and the Sketch program synthesis system.
We illustrate the value of TerpreT by developing several interpreter models and performing an empirical comparison between alternative inference algorithms. Our key empirical finding is that constraint solvers dominate the gradient descent and LP-based formulations. We conclude with suggestions for the machine learning community to make progress on program synthesis.