
Philip S. Thomas, Bruno Castro da Silva, Andrew G. Barto, Stephen Giguere, Yuriy Brun, and Emma Brunskill. 2019. “Preventing undesirable behavior of intelligent machines.” Science, 366, 6468, Pp. 999–1004. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Intelligent machines using machine learning algorithms are ubiquitous, ranging from simple data analysis and pattern recognition tools to complex systems that achieve superhuman performance on various tasks. Ensuring that they do not exhibit undesirable behavior—that they do not, for example, cause harm to humans—is therefore a pressing problem. We propose a general and flexible framework for designing machine learning algorithms. This framework simplifies the problem of specifying and regulating undesirable behavior. To show the viability of this framework, we used it to create machine learning algorithms that precluded the dangerous behavior caused by standard machine learning algorithms in our experiments. Our framework for designing machine learning algorithms simplifies the safe and responsible application of machine learning.
Mukund Raghothaman, Kihong Heo, Xujie Si, and Mayur Naik. 2019. “Synthesizing Datalog Programs using Numerical Relaxation.” IJCAI. PDFAbstract
The problem of learning logical rules from examples arises in diverse fields, including program synthesis, logic programming, and machine learning. Existing approaches either involve solving computationally difficult combinatorial problems, or performing parameter estimation in complex statistical models.
In this paper, we present Difflog, a technique to extend the logic programming language Datalog to the continuous setting. By attaching real-valued weights to individual rules of a Datalog program, we naturally associate numerical values with individual conclusions of the program. Analogous to the strategy of numerical relaxation in optimization problems, we can now first determine the rule weights which cause the best agreement between the training labels and the induced values of output tuples, and subsequently recover the classical discrete-valued target program from the continuous optimum.
We evaluate Difflog on a suite of 34 benchmark problems from recent literature in knowledge discovery, formal verification, and database query-by-example, and demonstrate significant improvements in learning complex programs with recursive rules, invented predicates, and relations of arbitrary arity.
Robin Manhaeve, Sebastijan Dumancic, Angelika Kimmig, Thomas Demeester, and Luc De Raedt. 12/2018. “DeepProbLog: Neural Probabilistic Logic Programming.” NeurIPS. PDFAbstract
We introduce DeepProbLog, a probabilistic logic programming language that incorporates deep learning by means of neural predicates. We show how existing inference and learning techniques can be adapted for the new language. Our experiments demonstrate that DeepProbLog supports both symbolic and subsymbolic representations and inference, 1) program induction, 2) probabilistic (logic) programming, and 3) (deep) learning from examples. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to propose a framework where general-purpose neural networks and expressive probabilistic-logical modeling and reasoning are integrated in a way that exploits the full expressiveness and strengths of both worlds and can be trained end-to-end based on examples.      
Mislav Balunovic, Pavol Bielik, and Martin Vechev. 12/2018. “Learning to Solve SMT Formulas.” NeurIPS. PDFAbstract
We present a new approach for learning to solve SMT formulas. We phrase the challenge of solving SMT formulas as a tree search problem where at each step a transformation is applied to the input formula until the formula is solved. Our approach works in two phases: first, given a dataset of unsolved formulas we learn a policy that for each formula selects a suitable transformation to apply at each step in order to solve the formula, and second, we synthesize a strategy in the form of a loop-free program with branches. This strategy is an interpretable representation of the policy decisions and is used to guide the SMT solver to decide formulas more efficiently, without requiring any modification to the solver itself and without needing to evaluate the learned policy at inference time. We show that our approach is effective in practice – it solves 17% more formulas over a range of benchmarks and achieves up to 100 × runtime improvement over a state-of-the-art SMT solver.
Noah D. Goodman and Joshua B. Tenenbaum. 11/13/2018. Probabilistic Models of Cognition. 2nd ed. Publisher's VersionAbstract
This book explores the probabilistic approach to cognitive science, which models learning and reasoning as inference in complex probabilistic models. We examine how a broad range of empirical phenomena, including intuitive physics, concept learning, causal reasoning, social cognition, and language understanding, can be modeled using probabilistic programs (using the WebPPL language).
Jan-Willem van de Meent, Brooks Paige, Hongseok Yang, and Frank Wood. 9/2018. “An Introduction to Probabilistic Programming”. PDFAbstract
This document is designed to be a first-year graduate-level introduction to probabilistic programming. It not only provides a thorough background for anyone wishing to use a probabilistic programming system, but also introduces the techniques needed to design and build these systems. It is aimed at people who have an undergraduate-level understanding of either or, ideally, both probabilistic machine learning and programming languages.
We start with a discussion of model-based reasoning and explain why conditioning as a foundational computation is central to the fields of probabilistic machine learning and artificial intelligence. We then introduce a simple first-order probabilistic programming language (PPL) whose programs define static-computation-graph, finite-variable-cardinality models. In the context of this restricted PPL we introduce fundamental inference algorithms and describe how they can be implemented in the context of models denoted by probabilistic programs.
In the second part of this document, we introduce a higher-order probabilistic programming language, with a functionality analogous to that of established programming languages. This affords the opportunity to define models with dynamic computation graphs, at the cost of requiring inference methods that generate samples by repeatedly executing the program. Foundational inference algorithms for this kind of probabilistic programming language are explained in the context of an interface between program executions and an inference controller.
This document closes with a chapter on advanced topics which we believe to be, at the time of writing, interesting directions for probabilistic programming research; directions that point towards a tight integration with deep neural network research and the development of systems for next-generation artificial intelligence applications.
Elaine Angelino, Nicholas Larus-Stone, Daniel Alabi, Margo Seltzer, and Cynthia Rudin. 8/3/2018. “Learning Certifiably Optimal Rule Lists for Categorical Data.” Journal of Machine Learning Research. PDFAbstract
We present the design and implementation of a custom discrete optimization technique for building rule lists over a categorical feature space. Our algorithm produces rule lists with optimal training performance, according to the regularized empirical risk, with a certificate of optimality. By leveraging algorithmic bounds, efficient data structures, and computational reuse, we achieve several orders of magnitude speedup in time and a massive reduction of memory consumption. We demonstrate that our approach produces optimal rule lists on practical problems in seconds. Our results indicate that it is possible to construct optimal sparse rule lists that are approximately as accurate as the COMPAS proprietary risk prediction tool on data from Broward County, Florida, but that are completely interpretable. This framework is a novel alternative to CART and other decision tree methods for interpretable modeling
Conal Elliott. 8/2018. “The simple essence of automatic differentiation.” PACML, ICFP. PDFAbstract
Automatic differentiation (AD) in reverse mode (RAD) is a central component of deep learning and other uses of large-scale optimization. Commonly used RAD algorithms such as backpropagation, however, are complex and stateful, hindering deep understanding, improvement, and parallel execution. This paper develops a simple, generalized AD algorithm calculated from a simple, natural specification. The general algorithm is then specialized by varying the representation of derivatives. In particular, applying well-known constructions to a naive representation yields two RAD algorithms that are far simpler than previously known. In contrast to commonly used RAD implementations, the algorithms defined here involve no graphs, tapes, variables, partial derivatives, or mutation. They are inherently parallel-friendly, correct by construction, and usable directly from an existing programming language with no need for new data types or programming style, thanks to use of an AD-agnostic compiler plugin.      
Ashwin Kalyan, Abhishek Mohta, Alex Polozov, Dhruv Batra, Prateek Jain, and Sumit Gulwani. 1/2018. “Neural-Guided Deductive Search for Real-Time Program Synthesis from Examples.” ICLR. PDFAbstract
Synthesizing user-intended programs from a small number of input-output examples is a challenging problem with several important applications like spreadsheet manipulation, data wrangling and code refactoring. Existing synthesis systems either completely rely on deductive logic techniques that are extensively hand-engineered or on purely statistical models that need massive amounts of data, and in general fail to provide real-time synthesis on challenging benchmarks. In this work, we propose Neural Guided Deductive Search (NGDS), a hybrid synthesis technique that combines the best of both symbolic logic techniques and statistical models. Thus, it produces programs that satisfy the provided specifications by construction and generalize well on unseen examples, similar to data-driven systems. Our technique effectively utilizes the deductive search framework to reduce the learning problem of the neural component to a simple supervised learning setup. Further, this allows us to both train on sparingly available real-world data and still leverage powerful recurrent neural network encoders. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by evaluating on real-world customer scenarios by synthesizing accurate programs with up to 12× speed-up compared to state-of-the-art systems.
Armando Solar-Lezama. 2018. Introduction to Program Synthesis. Publisher's Version
Richard Evans and Edward Grefenstette. 2018. “Learning Explanatory Rules from Noisy Data.” Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), Special Track on Deep Learning, Knowledge Representation, and Reasoning. PDFAbstract
Artificial Neural Networks are powerful function approximators capable of modelling solutions to a wide variety of problems, both supervised and unsupervised. As their size and expressivity increases, so too does the variance of the model, yielding a nearly ubiquitous overfitting problem. Although mitigated by a variety of model regularisation methods, the common cure is to seek large amounts of training data---which is not necessarily easily obtained---that sufficiently approximates the data distribution of the domain we wish to test on. In contrast, logic programming methods such as Inductive Logic Programming offer an extremely data-efficient process by which models can be trained to reason on symbolic domains. However, these methods are unable to deal with the variety of domains neural networks can be applied to: they are not robust to noise in or mislabelling of inputs, and perhaps more importantly, cannot be applied to non-symbolic domains where the data is ambiguous, such as operating on raw pixels. In this paper, we propose a Differentiable Inductive Logic framework, which can not only solve tasks which traditional ILP systems are suited for, but shows a robustness to noise and error in the training data which ILP cannot cope with. Furthermore, as it is trained by backpropagation against a likelihood objective, it can be hybridised by connecting it with neural networks over ambiguous data in order to be applied to domains which ILP cannot address, while providing data efficiency and generalisation beyond what neural networks on their own can achieve.
Vijayaraghavan Murali, Rishabh Singh, Pushmeet Kohli, and Swarat Chaudhuri. 2018. “Programmatically Interpretable Reinforcement Learning.” ICML. PDFAbstract
We present a reinforcement learning framework, called Programmatically Interpretable Reinforcement Learning (PIRL), that is designed to generate interpretable and verifiable agent policies. Unlike the popular Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) paradigm, which represents policies by neural networks, PIRL represents policies using a high-level, domain-specific programming language. Such programmatic policies have the benefits of being more easily interpreted than neural networks, and being amenable to verification by symbolic methods. We propose a new method, called Neurally Directed Program Search (NDPS), for solving the challenging nonsmooth optimization problem of finding a programmatic policy with maximal reward. NDPS works by first learning a neural policy network using DRL, and then performing a local search over programmatic policies that seeks to minimize a distance from this neural "oracle". We evaluate NDPS on the task of learning to drive a simulated car in the TORCS car-racing environment. We demonstrate that NDPS is able to discover human-readable policies that pass some significant performance bars. We also show that PIRL policies can have smoother trajectories, and can be more easily transferred to environments not encountered during training, than corresponding policies discovered by DRL.
Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto. 2018. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. 2nd ed. Cambridge, MA. Author's Version
Mona Alshahrani, Mohammad Asif Khan, Omar Maddouri, Akira R Kinjo, Núria Queralt-Rosinach, and Robert Hoehndorf. 9/2017. “Neuro-symbolic representation learning on biological knowledge graphs.” Bioinformatics. PDFAbstract
Motivation: Biological data and knowledge bases increasingly rely on Semantic Web technologies and the use of knowledge graphs for data integration, retrieval and federated queries. In the past years, feature learning methods that are applicable to graph-structured data are becoming available, but have not yet widely been applied and evaluated on structured biological knowledge. Results: We develop a novel method for feature learning on biological knowledge graphs. Our method combines symbolic methods, in particular knowledge representation using symbolic logic and automated reasoning, with neural networks to generate embeddings of nodes that encode for related information within knowledge graphs. Through the use of symbolic logic, these embeddings contain both explicit and implicit information. We apply these embeddings to the prediction of edges in the knowledge graph representing problems of function prediction, finding candidate genes of diseases, protein-protein interactions, or drug target relations, and demonstrate performance that matches and sometimes outperforms traditional approaches based on manually crafted features. Our method can be applied to any biological knowledge graph, and will thereby open up the increasing amount of Semantic Web based knowledge bases in biology to use in machine learning and data analytics. Availability and Implementation:
Alexander L. Gaunt, Marc Brockschmidt, Nate Kushman, and Daniel Tarlow. 7/2017. “Differentiable Programs with Neural Libraries.” ICML. PDFAbstract
We develop a framework for combining differentiable programming languages with neural networks. Using this framework we create end-toend trainable systems that learn to write interpretable algorithms with perceptual components. We explore the benefits of inductive biases for strong generalization and modularity that come from the program-like structure of our models. In particular, modularity allows us to learn a library of (neural) functions which grows and improves as more tasks are solved. Empirically, we show that this leads to lifelong learning systems that transfer knowledge to new tasks more effectively than baselines
Kevin Ellis and Sumit Gulwani. 5/2017. “Learning to Learn Programs from Examples: Going Beyond Program Structure.” In International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization (IJCAI). PDFAbstract
Programming-by-example technologies let end users construct and run new programs by providing examples of the intended program behavior. But, the few provided examples seldom uniquely determine the intended program. Previous approaches to picking a program used a bias toward shorter or more naturally structured programs. Our work here gives a machine learning approach for learning to learn programs that departs from previous work by relying upon features that are independent of the program structure, instead relying upon a learned bias over program behaviors, and more generally over program execution traces. Our approach leverages abundant unlabeled data for semisupervised learning, and incorporates simple kinds of world knowledge for common-sense reasoning during program induction. These techniques are evaluated in two programming-by-example domains, improving the accuracy of program learners.
Matej Balog, Alexander L. Gaunt, Marc Brockschmidt, Sebastian Nowozin, and Daniel Tarlow. 3/8/2017. “DeepCoder: Learning to Write Programs.” arXiv:1611.01989. PDFAbstract
We develop a first line of attack for solving programming competition-style problems from input-output examples using deep learning. The approach is to train a neural network to predict properties of the program that generated the outputs from the inputs. We use the neural network's predictions to augment search techniques from the programming languages community, including enumerative search and an SMT-based solver. Empirically, we show that our approach leads to an order of magnitude speedup over the strong non-augmented baselines and a Recurrent Neural Network approach, and that we are able to solve problems of difficulty comparable to the simplest problems on programming competition websites.
Finale Doshi-Velez and Been Kim. 3/2017. “Towards A Rigorous Science of Interpretable Machine Learning”. PDFAbstract
As machine learning systems become ubiquitous, there has been a surge of interest in interpretable machine learning: systems that provide explanation for their outputs. These explanations are often used to qualitatively assess other criteria such as safety or non-discrimination. However, despite the interest in interpretability, there is very little consensus on what interpretable machine learning is and how it should be measured. In this position paper, we first define interpretability and describe when interpretability is needed (and when it is not). Next, we suggest a taxonomy for rigorous evaluation and expose open questions towards a more rigorous science of interpretable machine learning.
Chung-chieh Shan and Norman Ramsey. 1/2017. “Exact Bayesian Inference by Symbolic Disintegration.” Principles of Programming Languages (POPL). PDFAbstract
Bayesian inference, of posterior knowledge from prior knowledge and observed evidence, is typically defined by Bayes’s rule, which says the posterior multiplied by the probability of an observation equals a joint probability. But the observation of a continuous quantity usually has probability zero, in which case Bayes’s rule says only that the unknown times zero is zero. To infer a posterior distribution from a zero-probability observation, the statistical notion of disintegration tells us to specify the observation as an expression rather than a predicate, but does not tell us how to compute the posterior. We present the first method of computing a disintegration from a probabilistic program and an expression of a quantity to be observed, even when the observation has probability zero. Because the method produces an exact posterior term and preserves a semantics in which monadic terms denote measures, it composes with other inference methods in a modular way—without sacrificing accuracy or performance.
Johannes Borgström, Ugo Dal Lago, Andrew D. Gordon, and Marcin Szymczak. 1/2017. “A Lambda-Calculus Foundation for Universal Probabilistic Programming”. PDFAbstract
We develop the operational semantics of an untyped probabilistic lambda-calculus with continuous distributions, as a foundation for universal probabilistic programming languages such as Church, Anglican, and Venture. Our first contribution is to adapt the classic operational semantics of lambda-calculus to a continuous setting via creating a measure space on terms and defining step-indexed approximations. We prove equivalence of big-step and small-step formulations of this distribution-based semantics. To move closer to inference techniques, we also define the sampling-based semantics of a term as a function from a trace of random samples to a value. We show that the distribution induced by integrating over all traces equals the distribution-based semantics. Our second contribution is to formalize the implementation technique of trace Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) for our calculus and to show its correctness. A key step is defining sufficient conditions for the distribution induced by trace MCMC to converge to the distribution-based semantics. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first rigorous correctness proof for trace MCMC for a higher-order functional language.
